Serving is more than a word.



Military Outreach USA

3020 Milwaukee Avenue

Northbrook, IL 60062


Copyright 2017

Moral Injury

An Invisible Wound of War

Moral injury is an invisible wound of war that can also affect those in other professions.


Military Outreach USA provides a variety of resources and programs to be used in working with those who suffer from a moral injury. Use the resources and programs on this page to enhance and expand existing knowledge of this and other issues affecting those who have served us.


Take a few minutes to review our webinar that focuses on the causes and resolution of a Moral Injury.



Many times the question is asked, "What programs can we implement for one who suffers a moral injury?" Military Outreach USA has developed a Moral Injury Awareness Program that you can use to help in the process of healing a moral injury. Click on image to download file.



Military Outreach USA provides its newest publication free of charge. The book, They Don't Receive Purple Hearts, provides insight into an understanding of military culture, emotions, moral dilemmas, and more.  It concludes with suggestions on what can be done to help heal a moral injury. Click on image to download file.

It is more than PTSD...

It is a wound to the soul!


Caring Connections


Caring for a person suffering from a moral injury transcends denominations and beliefs. This article will summarize highlights of work done to date on spiritual care and moral injury with members of the United States military as seen mainly through the lens of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Moral Injury in Veterans of War


Although the idea that war can be morally compromising is not new, empirical research about moral injury is in its infancy, and there are more unanswered questions than definitive answers at this point. A review of key studies that fall under the umbrella of moral injury, noting the limitations of current knowledge and suggesting future research directions is discussed.

The Handbook  on Best Practices for the Provision of Spiritual Care to Persons with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic

Brain Injury


Moral distress, fatigue, compassion and more are all areas we need to have a better understanding. This publication provides some of the answers and guidance that is needed in working with those who suffer from and invisible wound of war.